For the past 16 years we have partnered with UTMB's Sealy Center on Aging to co-sponsor a retreat that encourages participants to embrace aging as a creative journey of inner peace and to awaken new passions and purpose for living. This retreat provides those in attendance with the incredible opportunity to interact with and learn from scholars on the aging process. Topics in this year's conference included medicare fraud, tips for healthy brain aging, arthritis, diabetes, and much more! Discussing such topics allows attendees the chance to learn more about themselves as well as those around them like friends and family members. It also provides an emotional outlet that is necessary for discussing serious issues. This retreat is about so much more than just workshops; it is also about having fun too! Numerous activities are offered throughout the retreat such as archery, hiking, canoeing and fishing. Additionally, participants can attend a cooking workshop or take a tour of the property. The conference center is such a happy place during Abundant Living, with evening socials, mingling, and mutual enjoyment of one another and the Lord. This was especially evident during the impromptu Mardi Gras celebration that occurred during the last nights meal. Everyone joined in to sing "When the Saints' Go Marching In," and some guests paraded around the dining hall. The joy on everyone's faces was incredible to experience.
If you or someone you know would like to attend Abundant Living next year, please visit our web site here to register after January 1, 2020.
April 2020