We are looking forward to hosting your upcoming event at Camp Allen! An event coordinator will reach out to the group's contact a few weeks prior to arrival to finalize event plans. Most retreats and conferences can be planned via email and/ or phone. To ensure a successful event, please submit the requested information below at least ten days prior to arrival.
- ON-SITE CONTACT: Include the person’s name, phone, and email.
- ARRIVAL & DEPARTURE: Specify the times that the participants and group leaders anticipate arriving or departing.
- GROUP DEMOGRAPHICS: Indicate if your participants are families, youth, adults, or seniors.
- NOISE CONSIDERATIONS: Indicate specific times that include singing, loud games, or instruments.
- RETREAT SCHEDULE: Include times and locations of the events planned for your retreat.
- BILLING: Your final bill will be mailed to the contact listed on the initial contract the week following your event. If you would like to have the bill sent elsewhere, please inform your event coordinator.
Please click here to download Camp Allen's rooming list template and submit the completed version to your event planner. The template includes fields for roommates and special needs. Any guests that will be attending for the day but not staying overnight should be included on the rooming list as a Day Guest. (Day guests are charged at $35/day with one included meal). If you need additional hotel rooms, verify availability with event coordinator before accepting more guests. Be sure to remind your participants that pets and smoking indoors is prohibited.
Traditionally meal times are at 8:00 AM, 12:00 PM, and 6:00 PM. To best meet the needs of your event schedule, your meal can be scheduled up to thirty minutes before or after the traditional start times. Please inform your event coordinator your preference of meal times along with varying counts for each meal. Conference Center meals are served buffet style with a variety of options that meet most dietary preferences. Please make sure that you attend meals as scheduled. If you would like additional information regarding specialty meals, click here.
Click here for menu selections. Please include the selections, day, time, service location (main meeting room, indoor patio areas, dining room), and special instructions when placing your order with your event coordinator. Due to health department regulations, food or beverages purchased outside of Camp Allen cannot be brought into the conference center. This includes alcohol.
Click here for a listing of included (free) and reserved (fee-based) activities. Reserved activities should be scheduled at least two weeks prior to your event, and can be requested here.
Click here to view service options such as reserved airport transportation, sound technicians and online registration. Please inform your event coordinator of any selections.
Learn more about Camp Allen's worship opportunities and services here. If you would like to schedule a private worship service in All Saints' Chapel, please request the specific day and time with the event coordinator along with special needs such as altar guild, labyrinth, etc.
Below are descriptions of standard set-up styles, room capacities, and additional items available for your meeting room. Any set up style may be customized to best meet the needs of your event. Be sure to check with your speakers to address their specific needs in terms of room set ups.
- AUDITORIUM: Chairs only with an aisle (available with curve or without)
- CLASSROOM: Six foot seminar tables with 3 chairs each table
- BOARDROOM: Six foot tables in a rectangle or “U” shape with chairs around the perimeter.
- ROUND TABLE SEATING: Round tables with 7 chairs at each table
- HORSESHOE SEATING: Chairs in a “U” shape with chairs only
- COMFORTABLE SEATING: Couches, rockers, coffee tables, etc (only available for groups under 25)
A registration/welcome table in the main lobby can be added for your event, if desired.- MEETING ROOMS & CAPACITIESAuditoriumClassroomBoardroomRoundsHorseshoeCircle of ChairsCHAPEL750144N/A350N/AN/AG1A1506048773950G1A&B2001056612642120ASC1A1207554704550ASC1B15010854774550ASC1A&B30021610020090100G2A&B100576075 (144 DINING)4160G1B483024351825G2A72423640 (72 DINING)2130G2B72423640 (72 DINING)2130G5&6504230503050G3 OR G6302118211518G4 OR G5402422282222G7N/AN/A12N/AN/AN/AASC 2, 3, 4, OR 5402424282124Take into account that additional furnishings (supply tables, staging, projectors, etc.) will decrease the meeting room's seating capacity.
A registration/welcome table in the main lobby can be added for your event, if desired. - *Indicates additional fee. Refer to the
Services & Rentals page for pricing.
FOR MEDIUM & LARGE SPACES ONLY- Staging (recommended for groups over 60)
- Lapel Microphone
- Wireless Handheld Microphone
- House Sound for laptops & tablets
- DI Box wired to house sound
- Mixing Board*
- Hard Wired LAN Internet*
- Table Microphone Stand
- Podium
- Music stand
- Bar stool
- Easel
- Easel Pad* (post-it or non stick)
- Dry Erase Board with markers
- Additional 6’ long tables**
- Additional 6’ round tables**
- Additional seminar tables**
AUDIO / VISUAL- Flatscreen TV with DVD
- 60” Flat Screen TV with DVD & HDMI*
- CD Player
- Laptop Rental*
- Laptop Speakers
- Large Portable Sound System*
- Projection Screen
- Projector Remote
- Audio / Visual Cart
- Extension Cord
- HDMI Cable
- Powerstrip
- LCD Projector*
- Mac Adapter (for LCD projector)
- Overhead Projector
- Conference Phone*
WORSHIP- Staging (recommended for groups over 60)
- Lapel Microphone
- Wireless Handheld Microphone
- House Sound for laptops & tablets
- DI Box wired to house sound
- Mixing Board*
- Hard Wired LAN Internet*